A fancy name for what we've been doing
Someone emailed me the mail below.
Seems someone has put a name to what we did at the third conversation. and wrapped it up in a book and is selling consultancy services based on it! Seems like common sense to me...
12 nodes ( 12 topics to discuss)
30 people linking each node.
A small group of 5 people can efficiently discuss one major and specific topic
each is represented by an individual strut it creates a 5 pointed star around a node (topic)
2 groups discuss 2 topics simultaneously
2 other groups discuss 2 other topics
Until 30 people have exchanged and integrated their knowledge on all 12 topics
As participants move into different groups there are strong resonances from the different topics, groups.
It is difficult to explain but very powerful to experience.
Amazon.com: Beyond Dispute: The Invention of Team Syntegrity ...
Beyond Dispute: The Invention of Team Syntegrity: Books: Stafford Beer by Stafford Beer.
Team Syntegrity® facilitates planning, decision making and information sharing in a non-hierarchical context and supports collaborative development and implementation.
A Syntegration® leverages the existing, yet dispersed knowledge of your people and stakeholders to develop a shared understanding based on diverse perspectives. A group of between 10 and 42 key people from your organization develop sustainable solutions to your most pressing challenges while at the same time forming strong commitment for implementation, all in record time of 2 to 3 days.
The most powerful way to find right solutions to complex problems and to put them into action!
Team Syntegrity Welcome
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